One Voice - Church Choir Performance

After two gruelling nights of rehearsals and lots of glitches, tonight's performance was superb! At least according to those who went to watch it. I did not know how my choir performed, but when I sneaked in to watch the rest of the choirs, it was really great! The songs were wonderful and the singing was full of emotion and soulfulness. Whoever said Catholic songs are not as beautiful and catchy as compared to Christian songs?

There was a variety too - of skits, action songs, a ca pella, strumming and singing, songs in other languages. The sequence of events were as follows :

1. My choir (I sing for the Sunday 10:30am choir)
2. The Sunday 8:45am choir
3. The Sunday 6:30pm choir (a ca pella)
4. The Saturday 6:00pm choir
5. The Mandarin Choir (Sunday 7:00am)
6. Guest choir
7. Intermission of ten minutes
8. Songs by the Cantor Ministry (For those who do not know, the cantors are those who sing out a certain reading in church with the choirs as backup. Some churches have their own cantors whereas some use one of the better choir members as cantors.)
9. The Sunday 12:15pm choir
10. Filippino Choir
11. Indonesian Choir
12. The Saturday 4:45pm choir
13. One Voice - the combined voices of everyone

There was even an opening hymn sung by our parish priest and the closing after the combined voices sung by another priest! I must say, the priests in my church are pretty talented and with very good voices too!

Finally it was over. All the hardwork and practices are worth it! That is what happens during a performance - one gripe about the commitment and time put in, but in the end, everything is worth it especially when everyone loves you! And that is why I love to perform because I find that it is a real joy to make others happy and inspired!


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