Choral Performance Again

Time really flies. Half a year already. And now it is July. I will be performing for the church this Saturday. It has been so long since I last performed on stage, be it singing or playing musical instruments. How I miss those days, although now I think I am in no position to perform anymore.

Still, this upcoming choral performance is making me nervous. There will always be some butterflies before any performance. What if I sang wrongly and everyone could hear it? What if I tripped and fell flat on my face? What if I got so nervous that I got stage fright and fainted on stage?

Even though I love performing, it is inevitable to have some nervousness before that. Tonight will be the technical rehearsal, with the full-dress rehearsal tomorrow and the actual performance on Saturday. Tonight will be the first time all the choirs and singing groups of the church come together and do their rounds. I really wonder how it will be like!


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