Letters To Juliet - The Movie

When I first came across this show, I thought I must watch it because it has a Shakespearean theme. For those not in the know, Shakespeare is my favorite writer of all time! Whenever I need some inspiration, I always look through his works and I will perk up.

"Romeo and Juliet" is my utmost favorite and I always wish I can go to Verona. Imagine how romantic it will be if someone proposes to me while I am at Juliet's balcony in Verona under the moonlight! That would be the perfect proposal!

In any case, Letters To Juliet is set in Italy (where else?). It is based on a true event in Verona where many broken hearted, confused and lost women from all over the world go to Juliet's house and write heartfelt letters, pouring out their souls and asking for advise.

The writing letters part is true but whether the letters actually get answered in reality, I am not sure. In the show, at the end of everyday, someone will collect the letters and there will be a team who call themselves "Secretaries of Juliet" who sits down for a few hours daily answering and replying the letters and actually sending them out.

How wonderful it is! Maybe the reason so many people believe in writing letters to Juliet is because the letters actually get answered? If I am to pour out my soul and stick a letter on the wall of Juliet's house in Verona, I would think it is just that. But if the letter gets answered, I will be totally ecstatic and over the moon!

That is the power of writing letters. Nowadays with the advanced technology, no one bothers writing letters anymore. They rather send an email, text message or instant chat.

Call me old-fashioned, but I always thought writing letters beat everything else. It adds the personal touch, which the impersonal email, texts or instant chats simply do not cut it.

Gone are those days where we write letters to our friends living overseas and waited expectantly for their replies and we were so excited whenever we received a reply. I used to be the one checking the mailbox everyday, wondering if any of my pen pals wrote me a letter.

Now with emails, instant chats and social network portals, keeping in touch with each other is just a click away. It conveniences everyone, but as a result, we have become impersonal. We rely too much on technology that we have forgotten how to actually socialise - calling someone to talk, writing letters with a personal touch to share your happenings.

How I wish my guy is the type to write letters! I do not mean emailing a love letter or poem, or putting up on his blog as a dedication. I mean a real letter written by ink on sheets of paper sealed with a kiss in an envelope. That would mean so much more to me!

So instead of emailing, why not pick up a pen and some paper and actually write a letter to someone we know?


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