Last night we went to watch the Mandarin musical "December Rain" starring Kit Chan - my favorite local singer. Her voice is really powerful and she is one of my idols because she is smart and can make a capable high-flying professional yet she gave up all to stick to her dreams of being a singer and actress. She was a gifted-stream student and is apparently fluent in English, Mandarin, French and Cantonese.
I first saw this musical when I happened to catch it on television years ago. That time it was the first full-fledged Mandarin musical developed by our own talented songwriters and composers.
I remember the musical captivated me, so much so that when there were posters advertising it earlier this year, starring Kit Chan, I know I must watch it again.
And this time round, it is a better production. Most of the original songs are still intact, with a few new songs. Most significant change was the ending. I like this ending better than the previous one actually. This ending is a closure to events that happened, more emotional.
Uncle DC was initially worried about me dragging him to a Mandarin musical. I told him he learnt Chinese before, even though he cannot really speak well, at least he can understand. Besides there were English subtitles available. Luckily he can still follow the story and like the musical too!
The story of December Rain started in the 1950s. At that point in time, Chinese students were fighting against the colonial government. Only the English-educated could get a good job and those Chinese-educated were always suppressed.
The central characters are Li Qing, the daughter of a wealthy Chinese merchant, and Ying Xiong, a poor orphan with ideals of equality and the overthrowing of the colonial government.
They were in school together. Li Qing has a childhood friend called Ming Li, who was in love with her. Her friends Wang Mei and Ah Ling noticed her interest in Ying Xiong and wrote a letter to him on her behalf, asking Ming Li to deliver the letter to Ying Xiong.
When Ying Xiong read the letter, he was flattered as Li Qing was the prettiest girl in the school. But before he could talk to her, he got news of a student riot and went to join in. Li Qing and her friends tagged along.
After that, Ying Xiong wrote a letter back to Li Qing, asking Ming Li to deliver it to her. And that was how their romance started, with Ming Li delivering their letters back and forth, as Li Qing comes from a wealthy and strict family and Ming Li was one of the few guys allowed to visit her since he was the son of her father's business associate.
Later on Ying Xiong and Li Qing started dating in secret. He told her of his plans to go to China and help fight for the motherland. She agreed to go with him as she said that a woman's place is with the man who truly loves her and whom she really loves.
On her father's birthday party, her parents plan to marry her to the son of another business associate. The family is wealthier and would be able to help her family out in their business. When she found out, she was horrified and let it slip that she already had someone. When her parents found out who she was dating, they disapproved partly because of his background and also because they knew he was heading a series of students' riots that got some students killed.
So Li Qing and Ying Xiong decided to get engaged before leaving for China. Unfortunately, her parents found out. Her mum went to stop her and told her her father had collapsed from a heart attack. Li Qing then went back with her mum, promising Ying Xiong that she would go with him, asking him to wait for her which he promised.
However it turned out to be a lie. Her father was still strong and healthy and her parents lied to her just to get her home. Her father had her locked up in her room.
On the day of departure, Li Qing called Ming Li over to see her, giving him a letter asking him to deliver to Ying Xiong. When Ming Li reached the harbour, Ying Xiong was disappointed that Li Qing could not come as promised. He told Ming Li to tell her that he would always love her and wait for her but he could not let the other Chinese students down and left.
Ming Li was angry that Ying Xiong would rather leave Li Qing behind and did not give him the letter in the end. When Ying Xiong left, he went back to Li Qing and told her Ying Xiong had left. She asked if he had read the letter and he said yes. She was so hurt and upset that after reading the letter, he still left. This was in the backdrop and setting of a thunderstorm.
Back home, Ming Li read the undelivered letter where Li Qing told Ying Xiong she was carrying his child. He finally understood why she was so upset but it was too late to tell Ying Xiong and he could not bring himself to confess that he never did deliver the letter.
Li Qing finally confessed she was pregnant. Her father was so angry he wanted to have her thrown out but in the end he relented. When it was time for her to be due, her mother brought her to a midwife where she delivered her baby.
Thirty years had passed. Li Qing now owns a thriving business match-making couples with her daughter Meng Yu (literally "dream rain") helping her. Meng Yu is in love with a guy from China called Yang Guang (literally "sunshine") who wanted to settle down in Singapore with her. But her mother Li Qing disapproves and told her that men, especially those related to China, are not to be trusted.
Meng Yu then went to complain to her uncle Ming Li, who had since taken over his father's business and have taken care of the mother and daughter all these years. She looks up to him like a father figure. Ming Li was in poor health lately so Meng Yu went to visit him at home and talked to him. He said Yang Guang is a fine lad and promised to talk to her mother to change her mind.
When Li Qing went to visit him, he tried talking sense into her. He said he knows she is still bitter over the fact that Ying Xiong chose China over her, hence hates anything to do with China. He then said she had to let go and let her daughter be happy to which Li Qing relented.
They set up an appointment at Wang Mei's restaurant to meet Yang Guang's foster mother and godfather, who then turned out to be Ah Ling and Ying Xiong respectively. She was so worked up that she left immediately.
It was then that Meng Yu realised who her biological father was. Ah Ling reunited with her two friends and said even though she followed Ying Xiong to China to fight for communism, their dreams and ideals were shattered and they lived a tough life. But Ying Xiong never loved another woman and he would still call out Li Qing's name at times.
Meng Yu and Yang Guang then decided to elope and followed Ying Xiong and Ah Ling back to China. When Ming Li found out, he took Li Qing to the airport to stop them. He finally decided to tell the truth of what happened during that rainy day so long ago. They managed to catch up with the four of them and Ming Li shouted at them not to leave, but before he could say anything more, he collapsed from a heart attack.
Before he died, he confessed everything. Ying Xiong said Ming Li was more deserving of Li Qing as he fulfilled all the promises which he (Ying Xiong) himself broke. Li Qing then said Ming Li was the one truly bearing the burden of the past so she took the undelivered letter and tore it away to release him of his burden. With all the bitterness of the past released, Li Qing and Ying Xiong reunited and their daughter married her true love who was touched by Ming Li's love for Li Qing and promised to love Meng Yu to the best of his ability.
The closing scene was when Ming Li, after finally confessing what he had hidden all those years ago, walked away with a smile into a bright light, which the audience supposed he died. And hence the rainy season of long ago finally ended with sunshine.
Is this not an intense and touching story? I really like this ending! This is definitely a better ending! The previous ending was after Li Qing gave birth to Ying Xiong's son, Ming Li brought the baby to China and put him in the care of Ah Ling. Li Qing then married the son of her father's business associate and had her daughter Meng Yu. Her husband died and she started her match-making business.
When Yang Guang's parents came to meet with Li Qing, she realised his father was none other than Ying Xiong and his mother was Ah Ling. So she was upset to find that the two married in China.
Meng Yu and Yang Guang decided to elope. When Ming Li found out about Yang Guang's parentage, he was horrified and stopped them from leaving but suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized.
At the hospital, he told Yang Guang the story of his birth ad he thought that was the son Li Qing abandoned. But Ah Ling came and said that boy died of a fever when he was two years old and Yang Guang was indeed her own son, with no relation to Li Qing and Meng Yu.
The older generation then realised it was unfair for the younger generation if they kept holding on to the past so in the end they relented and let Meng Yu and Yang Guang marry. And thus the rainy season finally ended with sunshine.
This was the original ending. But I supposed even the songwriter and producers felt the other ending was better and so changed the ending. And I would think the new version is better too!
I first saw this musical when I happened to catch it on television years ago. That time it was the first full-fledged Mandarin musical developed by our own talented songwriters and composers.
I remember the musical captivated me, so much so that when there were posters advertising it earlier this year, starring Kit Chan, I know I must watch it again.
And this time round, it is a better production. Most of the original songs are still intact, with a few new songs. Most significant change was the ending. I like this ending better than the previous one actually. This ending is a closure to events that happened, more emotional.
Uncle DC was initially worried about me dragging him to a Mandarin musical. I told him he learnt Chinese before, even though he cannot really speak well, at least he can understand. Besides there were English subtitles available. Luckily he can still follow the story and like the musical too!
The story of December Rain started in the 1950s. At that point in time, Chinese students were fighting against the colonial government. Only the English-educated could get a good job and those Chinese-educated were always suppressed.
The central characters are Li Qing, the daughter of a wealthy Chinese merchant, and Ying Xiong, a poor orphan with ideals of equality and the overthrowing of the colonial government.
They were in school together. Li Qing has a childhood friend called Ming Li, who was in love with her. Her friends Wang Mei and Ah Ling noticed her interest in Ying Xiong and wrote a letter to him on her behalf, asking Ming Li to deliver the letter to Ying Xiong.
When Ying Xiong read the letter, he was flattered as Li Qing was the prettiest girl in the school. But before he could talk to her, he got news of a student riot and went to join in. Li Qing and her friends tagged along.
After that, Ying Xiong wrote a letter back to Li Qing, asking Ming Li to deliver it to her. And that was how their romance started, with Ming Li delivering their letters back and forth, as Li Qing comes from a wealthy and strict family and Ming Li was one of the few guys allowed to visit her since he was the son of her father's business associate.
Later on Ying Xiong and Li Qing started dating in secret. He told her of his plans to go to China and help fight for the motherland. She agreed to go with him as she said that a woman's place is with the man who truly loves her and whom she really loves.
On her father's birthday party, her parents plan to marry her to the son of another business associate. The family is wealthier and would be able to help her family out in their business. When she found out, she was horrified and let it slip that she already had someone. When her parents found out who she was dating, they disapproved partly because of his background and also because they knew he was heading a series of students' riots that got some students killed.
So Li Qing and Ying Xiong decided to get engaged before leaving for China. Unfortunately, her parents found out. Her mum went to stop her and told her her father had collapsed from a heart attack. Li Qing then went back with her mum, promising Ying Xiong that she would go with him, asking him to wait for her which he promised.
However it turned out to be a lie. Her father was still strong and healthy and her parents lied to her just to get her home. Her father had her locked up in her room.
On the day of departure, Li Qing called Ming Li over to see her, giving him a letter asking him to deliver to Ying Xiong. When Ming Li reached the harbour, Ying Xiong was disappointed that Li Qing could not come as promised. He told Ming Li to tell her that he would always love her and wait for her but he could not let the other Chinese students down and left.
Ming Li was angry that Ying Xiong would rather leave Li Qing behind and did not give him the letter in the end. When Ying Xiong left, he went back to Li Qing and told her Ying Xiong had left. She asked if he had read the letter and he said yes. She was so hurt and upset that after reading the letter, he still left. This was in the backdrop and setting of a thunderstorm.
Back home, Ming Li read the undelivered letter where Li Qing told Ying Xiong she was carrying his child. He finally understood why she was so upset but it was too late to tell Ying Xiong and he could not bring himself to confess that he never did deliver the letter.
Li Qing finally confessed she was pregnant. Her father was so angry he wanted to have her thrown out but in the end he relented. When it was time for her to be due, her mother brought her to a midwife where she delivered her baby.
Thirty years had passed. Li Qing now owns a thriving business match-making couples with her daughter Meng Yu (literally "dream rain") helping her. Meng Yu is in love with a guy from China called Yang Guang (literally "sunshine") who wanted to settle down in Singapore with her. But her mother Li Qing disapproves and told her that men, especially those related to China, are not to be trusted.
Meng Yu then went to complain to her uncle Ming Li, who had since taken over his father's business and have taken care of the mother and daughter all these years. She looks up to him like a father figure. Ming Li was in poor health lately so Meng Yu went to visit him at home and talked to him. He said Yang Guang is a fine lad and promised to talk to her mother to change her mind.
When Li Qing went to visit him, he tried talking sense into her. He said he knows she is still bitter over the fact that Ying Xiong chose China over her, hence hates anything to do with China. He then said she had to let go and let her daughter be happy to which Li Qing relented.
They set up an appointment at Wang Mei's restaurant to meet Yang Guang's foster mother and godfather, who then turned out to be Ah Ling and Ying Xiong respectively. She was so worked up that she left immediately.
It was then that Meng Yu realised who her biological father was. Ah Ling reunited with her two friends and said even though she followed Ying Xiong to China to fight for communism, their dreams and ideals were shattered and they lived a tough life. But Ying Xiong never loved another woman and he would still call out Li Qing's name at times.
Meng Yu and Yang Guang then decided to elope and followed Ying Xiong and Ah Ling back to China. When Ming Li found out, he took Li Qing to the airport to stop them. He finally decided to tell the truth of what happened during that rainy day so long ago. They managed to catch up with the four of them and Ming Li shouted at them not to leave, but before he could say anything more, he collapsed from a heart attack.
Before he died, he confessed everything. Ying Xiong said Ming Li was more deserving of Li Qing as he fulfilled all the promises which he (Ying Xiong) himself broke. Li Qing then said Ming Li was the one truly bearing the burden of the past so she took the undelivered letter and tore it away to release him of his burden. With all the bitterness of the past released, Li Qing and Ying Xiong reunited and their daughter married her true love who was touched by Ming Li's love for Li Qing and promised to love Meng Yu to the best of his ability.
The closing scene was when Ming Li, after finally confessing what he had hidden all those years ago, walked away with a smile into a bright light, which the audience supposed he died. And hence the rainy season of long ago finally ended with sunshine.
Is this not an intense and touching story? I really like this ending! This is definitely a better ending! The previous ending was after Li Qing gave birth to Ying Xiong's son, Ming Li brought the baby to China and put him in the care of Ah Ling. Li Qing then married the son of her father's business associate and had her daughter Meng Yu. Her husband died and she started her match-making business.
When Yang Guang's parents came to meet with Li Qing, she realised his father was none other than Ying Xiong and his mother was Ah Ling. So she was upset to find that the two married in China.
Meng Yu and Yang Guang decided to elope. When Ming Li found out about Yang Guang's parentage, he was horrified and stopped them from leaving but suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized.
At the hospital, he told Yang Guang the story of his birth ad he thought that was the son Li Qing abandoned. But Ah Ling came and said that boy died of a fever when he was two years old and Yang Guang was indeed her own son, with no relation to Li Qing and Meng Yu.
The older generation then realised it was unfair for the younger generation if they kept holding on to the past so in the end they relented and let Meng Yu and Yang Guang marry. And thus the rainy season finally ended with sunshine.
This was the original ending. But I supposed even the songwriter and producers felt the other ending was better and so changed the ending. And I would think the new version is better too!
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