Will Print Media Soon Be Extinct?

Will print media soon be extinct? Nowadays with modern technology like the Internet, Amazon kindle, iPad, smartphones and other kinds of electronic media, do people still read books and magazines since now everything can be found online?

But I notice not many people read. I do not know about other countries but here, not many people I know actually read. Or rather read for leisure. Whatever reading they do will be for school or work, or else read on how to make money. Hence writers like Nicholas Sparks will never be able to survive here as there is no market for fiction books.

Because not many people read, when they have kids, they do not encourage their kids to read too. And when these kids have kids, they, too, do not read. And the generation goes on.

Which is sad, is it not? Are people getting so materialistic now that as long as it is not a money-making venture, no one bothers to improve their knowledge in other ways? Or else they say why bother buying books when everything can be read off the screen?

Hence the new generation will never be exposed to all the great books we have read, like Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl, two authors I have loved in my childhood days.

How can a screen be compared to the feeling of a book in your hands? How can a screen be as portable as a paperback while travelling?

How can anyone not be lost in the beauty of the language when a great writer publishes a page turner and one simply cannot put down the books?

Reading is one of the most pleasurable things in life. Somehow Dan Brown or John Grisham just seem different on the screen as compared to having the actual book in one's hands.

And that is what I will teach my future children as well - to actually read from a book, and not just from the smartphone or iPad or kindle or Internet. To me, nothing beats having a book in your hands and devouring page after page after page until the end.


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