The Men Who Stare At Goats - The Movie

Imagine you can kill a goat just by staring at it. You can walk through a wall by staring at it. But would that be good? Like what George Clooney's character said in "The Men Who Stare At Goats" after a goat dropped dead in front of him when he stared at it for a while, "What had that goat ever done to me?"

What if you are blessed with psychic powers? Would that be a blessing or a curse? Would you use it in the right way or the left way?

Some people will use their powers to do good (think "X-Men"), some will use it for evil purposes like conquering the world. It is a gift that not many are blessed with, if there are any at all.

At times I wish I have psychic powers myself. It is always very tempting to see what my future is like - whether I would have a good or a bad future. No one can change the past but there is always a chance to fight for a better future.

But then again, do I really want to know? Honestly, I rather not know than to feel depressed if the future is not as beautiful as I would like it to be.

Is it not better to be a normal person than someone who can see the future and live a life of agony? I rather take life as it is -the happiness, sadness, sweetness, bitterness. Because that is what life is all about - no shortcuts and making the most of it!


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